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Freakopolis Reviews The Gravedigger's Union #1
Are you a fan of Deadly Class, zombies or large construction equipment being used to slay the supernatural?! Then we've got a brand new book for you! TJ gives his review of The Gravedigger's Union #1 right here. In the world of “The Grave Digger’s Union” regular everyday people are protected from supernatural horrors by the pick axe, shovel, and backhoe wielding titular blue collar workers. Times are a changin’ though and we find the world under an ever increasing presence of zombies, ghosts, and ghouls. Having a hard time keeping up the union boys decide to parley with a...
Freakopolis Reviews Captain America #695
Captain America's Marvel Legacy run begins this week and Ian is bringing us an awesome review of Marvel's favorite star spangled hero! As the plot goes the focus is the return of the real Steve Rogers, as true and blue as ever, after the events of Secret Empire, only to find heʼll have to work hard to recover his identity. An absolutely nostalgic return to his original ideals and image, both the everyday citizen in the Marvel Universe and us, the readers, are shown that, yes, the real Cap is back. This comic also has a truly patriotic message throughout,...